Letters to Jefferson County Commissioners reveal UN plans behind ICLEI, Climate Change Plan

October 20, 2011

The following letters have been written to the County Commissioners of Jefferson County, WA, and are very revealing about the involvement with "local" ICLEI and the United Nations Agenda 21. They were submitted and are now a part of the public record:

TO: Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners

Commissioners Johnson, Sullivan & Austin,

To the framers of the U.S. Constitution, property was as sacred as life and liberty. The inalienable right to own -- and control the use of -- private property is perhaps the single most important principle responsible for the growth and prosperity of America. It is a right that is being systematically eroded by external forces that many have not [yet] learned to recognize.

Regardless of how it is spun, the goals of Agenda 21 are clear. The offshoot of that plan created as ICLEI has been creeping into every facet of American life even to the point of some cities and counties paying dues to the U.N. body that designs the rules oriented toward broader control over privately held property and subsequently to eliminate it altogether. Such allegiances may violate laws against making treaties with foreign powers.

U.N. Conference Report excerpts set forth their official policy on land. The Preamble says:

“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”

The Preamble is followed by nine pages of specific policy recommendations endorsed by the participating nations, including the United States. Some of those recommendations read as follows:

Recommendation A.1

(b) All countries should establish as a matter of urgency a national policy on human settlements, embodying the distribution of population...over the national territory.

(c)(v) Such a policy should be devised to facilitate population redistribution to accord with the availability of resources.

Recommendation D.1

(a) Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of...achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development whilst assuring that environmental impacts are considered.

(b) Land is a scarce resource whose management should be subject to public surveillance orcontrol in the interest of the nation.

(d) Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land with a view to freely planning development of human settlements....

Recommendation D.2

(a) Agricultural land, particularly on the periphery of urban areas, is an important national resource; without public control land is prey to speculation and urban encroachment.

(b) Change in the use of land...should be subject to public control and regulation.

(c) Such control may be exercised through:

(i) Zoning and land-use planning as a basic instrument of land policy in general and of control of land-use changes in particular;

(ii) Direct intervention, e.g. the creation of land reserves and land banks, purchase, compensated expropriation and/or pre-emption, acquisition of development rights, conditioned leasing of public and communal land, formation of public and mixed development enterprises;

(iii) Legal controls, e.g. compulsory registration, changes in administrative boundaries,development building and local permits, assembly and replotting.

Recommendation D.3

(a) Excessive profits resulting from the increase in land value due to development and change in use are one of the principal causes of the concentration of wealth in private hands. Taxation should not be seen only as a source of revenue for the community but also as a powerful tool to encourage development of desirable locations, to exercise a controlling effect on the land market and to redistribute to the public at large the benefits of the unearned increase in land values.

(b) The unearned increment resulting from the rise in land values resulting from change in use of land, from public investment or decision or due to the general growth of the community must be subject to appropriate recapture by public bodies.

Recommendation D.4

(a) Public ownership of land cannot be anend in itself; it is justified in so far as it is exercised in favour of the common good rather than to protect the interests of the already privileged.

Recommendation D.5

(b) Past patterns of ownership rights should be transformed to match the changing needs of society and be collectively beneficial.

(c)(v) Methods for the separation of land ownership rights from development rights, the latter to be entrusted to a public authority.

In order to push the action items of Agenda 21 through local ICLEI efforts the advocates of this movement toward social justice decided upon and recommended the use of passive sounding terms that have become common place in local governmental discussions. Among them are:

Precautionary principle
Smart Growth
Public - Private partnership
Affordable housing

The driver, the agreed to theme with which to expand participationin the U.N. program was "Global Warming." Opposition to the unproven and widely challenged hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming over the years has led to it's theme moniker being changed to the more ambiguous and benign term "Climate Change". While the name is harder to dispute, the ideas behind the U.N. program have not changed.

As the public has become aware of the truth behind the regulatory and often unconstitutional process taking place around them actions are being taken against this unscrupulous plan and it's undermining of the US Constitution. Last summer citizen pressure caused the City of Spokane to drop it's ICLEI ties and more recently, our neighbors in the City of Sequim and Clallam County have done the same.

For Jefferson County to publish its connection with ICLEI on its official webpage and is a clear indication that this course of action is founded on an unproven theory and that implementing new regulations binding our citizens to contracts signed in conflict with laws guiding treaties and American Constitutional rights. The fact that this plan has been developed in collaboration with the City of Port Townsend which may be violating constitutional law by creating a treaty in paying dues to the international organization is another reason to reject this proposal.

Add to all of this, the fact that the country is suffering deep economic problems and it should be recognized that this ill founded effort is not putting the interests of our citizens in their proper place. Subordinating the county you were elected to protect to the devices of an organization that isset on implementing an international process for controlling people and property flies in the face of all we believe in.

This Climate Action Plan should not be given your approval.

Jim Boyer,
Port Ludlow


In addition to this effort, I call your attention to the Climate Action Plan (CAP) under consideration by the City of Port Townsend WA and Jefferson County WA. Look under "Climate Change" on the Jefferson County web page http://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/

This plan, if adopted, will commit the County and the City to waste hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars on Carbon Dioxide reduction programs to get the carbon emission from these governments' operations down to the Kyoto Treaty levels of only 20% of their 1990 levels. It requires the use of "Green" technology which is so non cost effective that it requires government subsidies, grants and tax credits to give the apearance of being a good investment. Further these grants, etc. require added bureaucracy at every level of government and come with strings attached like "Matching" funds which come from our property and sales taxes. And this is only the first step. The next steps are to impose these same restrictions on all of us!!!

I have been the only one at the BoCC [Board of County Commissioners] meetings to speak up about this Draconian Plan. And now today is the last day for Public written comments. PLEASE SUBMIT COMMENTS TODAY. Then make sure you are at the BoCC meeting on November 7 where they will deliberate on accepting this plan.

Note that this plan was developed by a joint City and County committee using information, advice and software from the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) This is the NGO established by the UN to promote UN Agenda 21 the "Sustainable Development" initiative which if implemented, will destroy our economy.

We must act NOW.

Gene Farr