US Cities, Counties begin to listen to citizens and withdraw from ICLEI

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is facilitating the Local Government input and preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg August 2002) with the support of the UN Summit Secretariat and in partnership with major international associations of local governments, including hundreds within the United States.

The ICLEI reveals the "think globally, act locally" scheme of "sustainable development. It says: 

ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments. ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global environmental and sustainable development conditions through cumulative local actions.

According to their website: "The organization's name is 'ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability'. In 2003, ICLEI's Members voted to revise the organization's mission, charter and name to better reflect the current challenges local governments are facing. The 'International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives' became 'ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability' with a broader mandate to address sustainability issues."

Building a worldwide movement requires that ICLEI functions as a democratic, international association of local governments. Serving a worldwide movement requires that ICLEI operates as an international environmental agency for local governments.

More than 1,200 cities, towns, counties, and their associations from around the world are full Members of the Council, with hundreds of additional local governments participating in specific ICLEI campaigns and projects. As a movement, association, and agency, ICLEI continues to work towards its environmental and sustainable development goals.

As more information about this scheme reaches citizens across the United States, county commissioners are beginning to listen, and some are withdrawing from the organization, along with some cities.

Only 3 clicks of a mouse takes you from ICLEI's website to the United Nation's Agenda 21 documentation.

Click 1: from any web browser type in WWW.ICLEI.ORG

Click 2: On ICLEI's site, click on the tab labeled PROGRAMS

Click 3 : Scoll down and you will find Agenda 21,


If you would like to know what ICLEI is really about see their 10 guiding principles and 81 sustainability goals here: Click on the blue box about mid page titled “Get the Goals” and you will understand.

Following is a listing of the stories we've found about this movement toward getting out of the local relationship with the United Nations (we will be posting more as we learn about them):

3/24/2011 - Pennsylvania County Rejects Agenda 21 (ICLEI)

3/21/2011 - Edmond, Oklahoma Dumps Agenda 21 (ICLEI)

Related story: The City of Edmond has ended its membership with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives after grassroots opposition to the city’s sustainability program focused on ICLEI. Read more>>> (from the Edmond Sun)

3/3/2011 - Maryland County Cancels Agenda 21 (ICLEI) Participation

Some websites that report the fight to return cities and counties to a Constitutional Government form of governance, rather than a United Nations' form of governance.

Virginia Right! News from Virginia, the US and around the World

ICLEI Movement heats up - Spokane, WA

ICLEI cannot be constitutionally joined by any city or local government.

Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition

Democrats against ICLEI