Call your legislators today and remind that that we still want them to hold the line on taxes and fees

editorial by Citizen Review Online


Olympia, WA - Legislators are working toward raising taxes and fees in an attempt to come up with the money to cover their spending - instead of cutting back on their spending as taxpayers have instructed them with numberous initiatives.

We urge you to call your representatives today and voice your opinion. Even if you know your rep is already against tax hikes, they can use the ammunition you give them by voicing your opinion.

The 5 cent gas tax that is pressing forward is the same in Referendum 51 which taxpayers rejected. Interesting, there has been discussion of using transportation money for "implementation" of watershed planning, to the tune of $5.9 BILLION. (Governor Locke stated at a recent conference that we can't stop now; after all, we have 5 years into the "planning", and some $25 MILLION already!)

Traffic tickets are taking a BIG jump in the basic fee (but that is not a *tax* - right!) and we will find many more little hidden areas where the *fee* has increased or a new one where one wasn't before. Other vehicle fee increases are actually more in taxes, even if called by another name.

Please call 1-800-562-6000 and voice your opinion to YOUR legislators. If not (and even with your calls) be prepared to pay more for everything.


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