State quietly sets up salary commission to set wages for locally elected officials

If you love the State Salary Commission---- you'll love this one.

The Legislature has quietly passed a bill (HB-1084) that allows cities and
Counties to set up Salary Commissions to decide on pay for local elected
officials.  Previously, county commissioners and city councils had to face
the public while setting their own and their colleague's salaries.   Now,
they can hide behind a hand picked committee.
Is America great or what?
  (Some charter counties do this already.  I wonder how the folks in
Vancouver and Spokane like it.)

     The biggest joke is that the commissions are "independent".   The
Mayor picks the members for the cities.  The 10 member county committee
will have four chosen by the Commissioners and six  (somehow) randomly
through the Auditor's office.

We get what we ask for.  Not one person testified against these bills in
committee.  When you snooze- you lose.  Especially when our legislators are
pawns of powerful special interests.

SOOOO! If you want to be on a Commission, now's the time to talk to the
Commissioners or the Mayor.

Best Regards,
Paul Telford

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