
School buses to be removed from service as cost-cutting technique

(Port Angeles) -- Earlier this year, the Port Angeles School Board asked Transportation Supervisor Jerry Eldred if he could cut another $100-thousand dollars out of his budget. Last night, Eldred told the Board: Yes, he could but it would take some steep cuts The biggest savings will come in personnel cuts. Seven full-time drivers and one mechanic will be let go, but the Eldred says the drivers won't be completely out of work About l6 buses will be taken out of service, eliminating the need for one mechanic, and four mid-day routes will be discontinued The re-structuring means more kids will be walking longer distances. It was pointed out at last night's meeting, that when the City puts in sidewalks primarily for school kids to use, it bills the School District, and the District pays the bill.

School board looks at competing with private day care centers

(Port Angeles) -- The Port Angeles School Board last night looked at the Child Care Task Force Report, which dealt with the idea of providing child-care services in the public schools. Earlier in the school year, several child- care providers were very unhappy with the idea, saying it would be unfair competition, if the schools got into the business. District Director for Athletics, Activities and Services Scott Brodhun they're not going to compete with private day-care providers. But they are looking at several options Earlier in the meeting, two day-care providers, Gary and Jane Childers, asked the Board to please not get into their business as competition. Gary Childers said as the School District's enrollment is declining, so is day-care enrollment. They disputed reports of day-care centers as being full-up.

Graving yard project moves forward

(Port Angeles) -- Port Commissioners toay approved a harbor lease agreement with the State Department of Transportation for just under 2 and a half acres of property, on the water side of the graving dock harbor area entrance. The lease term is for 25-years and will terminate in 2028. The DOT will pay an annual rental of $3,870 for the property.

Comissioners also discussed a barge feasibility study. Moving materials by barge may have a significant impact on the economy of the commerce of Port Angeles, and Port commissioners plan to take a long, hard look at the feasibility of a barge-loading facility in our Port area.

Port staff planned met with some EDC members and representatives of the Timber Industry Cluster Monday to discuss possible uses. Not everyone is convinced that barging is necessary, or even feasible financially, in the long haul.

One major player, Daishowa, has said barging would not serve their needs.

Many in the timber industry like the idea of barging logs from the Peninsula, and Commissioner Len Beil feels that such a facility would result in many other uses.. In other action, the Commissioners approved a 30 percent cost increase in the price of building an access road to the Terminal 5 log- handling facility.

Originally, D. Holcomb and company was awarded the contract in the amount of $75-thousand dollars, based on the estimated amount of 6-thousand tons of 3-inch quarry rock. However, as work progressed, it became apparent that additional quantities woult be needed to achieve the necessary grades that would allow for optimal storm water runoff collection. Almost 3-thousand more tons, at a cost of another $24-thousand dollars was approved by the Commisisoners, bringing the total cost of the project up to just over $100-thousand dollars. The recurring question of building a golf course on Port property by the airport arose, and Commissioners were told that city Parks and Recreation Director Marc Connelly and his staff are reviewing the property, and plan to make their recommendation, hopefully by this Setember.

Marine Center needs financial support, say supporters

(Port Angeles) -- The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce got up-to-date on the Arthur D. Feiro Marine Life Center this week. Center officials say it is alive and well, but in need of financial support. The center is owned by the City of Port Angeles, and operated by Peninsula College, and a group of citizens called "Friends of the Marine Life Center" help provide some financial support, but it's not enough. Director Barbara Martin says it is possible to get it self-sustaining with some major fundraising efforts. Martin says she's reluctant to raise admission rates. Also speaking to the Chamber was Bob Grower, President of th Marine Life Center, who talked about expanding, but not horizontally Grower said peak attendance for a single year was near 20-thousand, but recent figures are about 7-thousand. He said most visitors have been people wating for the ferries to Victoria, or visiting guests of local residents.


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