County could look at sales tax hike for justice funding

    November 29th, 2007 - 10:35am

    KONP News

    (Port Angeles) -- A day after approving next year's budget, one Clallam County Commissioner says it's time to talk about ways to fill a pending budget hole in the 2009 spending plan. Commissioner Mike Chapman says he and sheriff Bill Benedict plan to start talks early next year about how to fund law and justice needs for the county.

    And that might mean asking voters to approve a sales tax hike. Chapman says he envisions coming up with two budgets to present to voters by next fall. He says it would show what kinds of programs could be retained with a possible sales tax increase and what programs might be cut.

    The county dipped into a law and justice fund this year to offset costs for things like courts, and the prosecutor and sheriff's officest, but that money won't be available in 2009.

    Chapman says he wants to have a plan in the works before next year's budget process begins in August.

    Chapman says he and the sheriff will start talking with the county's Law and Justice committee after the first of the year about the posssiblity of the special sales tax increase.


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