County approves pact to save dairy

    November 28th, 2007 - 6:42am

    KONP News

    (Port Angeles) -- Clallam County Commissioners signed a contract with the state Tuesday to purchase a conservation easement to help preserve some local farmland.

    The transaction on 38 acres at the Dungeness Valley Creamery on Towne Rd insures the tract will forever remain as agricultural land.

    It's one of the two remaining dairy farms in Clallam County, run by Jeff and Debbie Brown, along with daughters Sarah and Kayla.

    Commissioner Steve Tharinger says the state money is matched by $230,000.00 from the Friends of the Fields and $107,000.00 from the North Olympic Land Trust.

    Tharinger say there's money available at the state level for the conservation projects right now -- but the problem is getting the local match.

    The easement is funded by almost $350,000.00 from the state Recreation and Conservation Office.


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