By: William Jud

9/12/2001 - There is a well-defined chain of events one follows to become an elected government official. The process begins (1) with campaign for office, (2) followed by election to office, (3) followed by taking the Oath Of Office, (4) and lastly going to work. Our US Constitution requires that everyone do step (3), taking the Oath Of Office.

Article 6 of our US Constitution says, in part, ". . . The Senators and Representatives before mentioned (in Article 6), and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution . . . " Not supporting the US Constitution violates your Oath Of Office and moves you back to Step 2 and out of your job.

When you violate your Oath Of Office you immediately void your Constitutionally authorized legal occupation of your office. Remaining in office after violating your Oath Of Office constitutes impersonation of a government official, voids all legislation you submit or sponsor, voids your votes, terminates your legal participation in government, and makes fraudulent your acceptance of pay.

You violate your Oath of Office by creating, sponsoring or voting for a law which is in ANY part un-Constitutional. You violate your Oath Of Office by legislating from the bench instead of following Constitutional instructions. You violate your Oath Of Office by issuing an Executive Order which in ANY part violates our US Constitution, or by creating or enforcing a regulation which in ANY part violates our US Constitution.

You violate your Oath Of Office, if you are a judge, by saying in court words to the effect of "Get that Constitutional crap out of my court room -- I won't allow it here," or by advertising that Constitutional protections are not in effect in my court room by displaying a fringed flag or any form of the American flag other than plain Old Glory hanging on a plain pole. You violate your Oath Of Office by regulating a citizen off of his land, or refusing to pay just compensation authorized by the Fifth Amendment, or participating in or authorizing participation in a government land-grab in violation of Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.

America has a Constitution. Each State has a Constitution. When laws which violate a State Constitution or the US Constitution are drafted, voted upon, or implemented and enforced, there must be a penalty imposed upon the people involved. Newly proposed legislation must be examined immediately for compliance with our US Constitution before it is submitted to the legislature for a vote. No court battles or studies dragging on for years can be allowed in determination of Constitutionality.

As a practical matter, return to Constitutionally-operating government must be phased in, albeit quickly, to avoid complete stoppage of government functions caused by the entire population of legislators, judges, executives, enforcers, and bureaucrats suddenly getting fired. A pragmatic initial approach dictates initially just withholding money and power for each infraction of Constitutional mandates.

As a start, a legislator who creates or sponsors un-Constitution legislation must receive an immediate and permanent 20% pay cut and loss of 5 years seniority applied to retirement benefits and legislative seniority. Legislators who vote to approve un-Constitutional bills, and judges who legislate from the bench, lose 15% and 2 years. Agency personnel who write regulations and enforce un-Constitutional laws get cut 10% and 1 year. This is for each bill, each vote, each judgment, each regulation, and each enforcement, and is cumulative. In about five to ten years, when government is once more running in Constitutional compliance, termination of employment can be added as additional punishment for violations.

America has a huge inventory of un-Constitutional law, case law, regulations, land acquisitions, and Executive Orders which need imposition of a 5-years sunset provision phased in over twenty years, voiding each law found to be in any part un-Constitutional unless that law is rewritten and renewed to establish Constitutional compliance.

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